All Y'all Need on TpT: What's Going On

What's going on is mostly life. I haven't been very regular about posting or keeping up with Pinterest or  commenting on blogs. I feel like there has been explosion of resources in the SLP world that I'm missing out on through Pinterest and TpT. It will still all be there when I'm ready for it, though.

In the meantime, All Y'all Need has joined a couple of giveaways. The first one is at O"Fish"ally a First Grader.
The second giveaway is going on at Tales From Room 112. Check out the blogs and giveaways!

At our store, here are some recently added items:
Starting with A: an alphabet game focusing on lower case letters for $3
Speech Therapist Progress Report Covers for 9 Weeks for $2.50
School Counselor Subway Art in Primary, Bright and B&W for $1 each
ABC Order for Veterans Day - a freebie!
We have several Veterans Day packs for math ($5), ELA ($5) and SLPs ($6). These units would be perfect for the time after Halloween and before Thanksgiving.
                                  Source: via Laura on Pinterest

Plus, we added license prices. That means you can buy one item at regular price and the same item for 50% off to share with a co-worker! No more problems about sharing - just buy the number of items you want to and get a discount! Yep, that's the work of my librarian sister - if you ever want to know about copyright and licenses, librarians are the people to go to!

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