Real World Language: Literal & Nonliteral Social Cues & Situations We Use Every Day

Whew, that's a title, hmmm? Real World Language: Literal & Nonliteral Social Cues & Situations We Use Every Day has been my summer project, and I'm excited it's finally done!
From All Y'all Need on TpT
As my licensed assistant and I worked with language students this past year, we used several items for figurative language I loved, including: Lindsey Swanson's Over The Rainbow Figurative Language Pack (Wicked fan, here!)
and Figuratively Speeching SLP's Spring Idioms.

The activities were great, and you should definitely get them (TpT sale coming up! Use code BTS14!). But some of my kids needed more practical social skills. Many weren't able to answer open-ended social questions. And I was learning about vocabulary hierarchy. So that's when Real World Language was born!

Here's how Real World Language works. There are 7 areas of discussion, and each area has 5 pages. Plus, I'll even give you storage tips! You'll need a printer, 7 manila folders and a willingness to laminate. That's it.

Print out the cover page for the discussion area. The first area is Hello.
The area being addressed is in the speech bubble, and words and actions surround the speech bubble. Print out and glue this page to the front outside of a manila folder so that when you open the folder like a hamburger, students are looking at this page.

Next come two teacher instruction pages for each area. Glue those to the inside of the folder so that YOU are looking at those while students look at the discussion page you are holding up. Finally, print out either the speech/language or general recording sheet, make copies, and store inside the folder. There you go - Real World Language is self-storing and takes up minimal space!

So what's this hierarchy I mentioned? That's what's on the instruction pages. Each lesson includes an introduction, two situational contexts, four fill-in-the-blanks, sentence generation, and two jokes, one contextual and one with phonological awareness. The best part? For my students who have difficulty answering open-ended questions, I've included 2, 3 and 4 choices in the situational context and joke sections. This works on helping them gain language while listening.

And what's a unit without something to show for it? There are two recording sheets, one specifically for SLPs and one that is more general. Use these for work samples for homework.

Thanks for reading along. Real World Language: Literal & Nonliteral Social Cues & Situations We Use Every Day is available at All Y'all Need for $6.

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