Five for Friday for Nov. 7

Happy first week of November! I have to say, I am glad October is over. After having a month full of a broken wrist and Snapshot, I was overjoyed to see the calendar turn to Nov. 1.
We are joining with the talented Kasey over at Doodlebugs today.
I'm thankful for Amy, my sister and an elementary-school librarian. She lets me know about the best books. The Poppy Lady was perfect to bring out for Veterans Day.
 The Poppy Lady

And Amy also made this Veterans Day Unit for me. I'll be using the Fact & Opinion on Monday. We have off on Tuesday.
 Veterans Day for SLPs by All Y'all Need

If you need something for Veterans Day, All Y'all Need also has a ABC Order {Freebie}.
 ABC Order for Veterans Day Freebie by All Y'all Need

A hint for my Secret Santa.

And, a family reunion! ALL is ALL together this weekend with a visit from Lisa, who brought my Texas Tech son as a surprise!

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