Reader's Theater in Speech/Language Groups

Have you tried Reader's Theater in speech/language groups? It's perfect for hitting multiple goals!
 Groundhog Day Informative Reader's Theater by All Y'all Need
This week, my licensed assistant talked about Groundhog Day. This particular group has one student working on language, one on fluency, and one on artic and language. First, the students highlighted their lines and practiced saying them with artic sounds and fluency strategies. Language students worked on reading sentences fluently and with expression.

Next, Mrs. P. videotaped the presentation on the iPad. The students watched the video and gave feedback on how they did. Artic students get to hear how they think they sound vs. how they really sound, and fluency students get to see strategies in action. Language students give feedback on their expression and expressing sentences.

Plus, Reader's Theater targets reading! It's a great way to hit lots of goals. Most of the students voted for the groundhog NOT seeing his shadow. What's your vote?

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