#2getherwearebetter November Linky: Parent Teacher Conferences

I have already had my parent conferences, so I will be recapping what I did. This year, my conferences were a little bit different. In previous years of teaching kindergarten, I have always discussed what letters need to be worked on. Pre-K conferences are a little different. Some students are coming in with knowing all letters and some students only know the letter that their name begins with. I used my parent conferences to touch base with my parents about how I differentiate to meet the needs of their child. I show them work samples and data from our Beginning of Year assessments.   This summer, I won a free grade level subscription to ESGI for my new school!!! My coworkers were so excited to use it! Partly because, I sang of ESGI's praises in my job interview! ESGI test results print outs and flash cards made parent conferences a breeze. I was able to show accurate data without spending hours after school to create a results letter. I also send home alphabet cards for my students to practice at home, a list of games to practice the alphabet at home and a list of ways to practice fine motor skills at home. I organize all of my handouts and data into a data folder so it is easily accessible for each conference. Below is a link to an adorable cover freebie on tpt by Kristine Nannini! I just staple to cover to the front of the folder and it is ready to go.

(Click the image to go to her tpt store!)
 Student Data Tracking Binder Covers and Binder Spines {Freebie!}

I hope everyone has very successful conferences!

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