Speech Therapy-Blogs and More

My wonderful cousin Lisa from The Glittery Apple has nominated me for two awards. It looks like most are teacher blogs, so I hope you don't mind me jumping on. I'm a speech therapist in the public schools, and I have been for 19 years, so I do have a connection.

So here are the awards:

For receiving One Lovely Blog award, I have to:
1. Follow the person who gave me the award - already doing!
2. Link back - see first sentence or here
3. Pass to 15 bloggers and let them know that they have received the award.

For receiving the Versatile Blogger award, I have to:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated me - done
2. Include a link to their blog - The Glittery Apple, one more time! Really, you should check out Lisa's blog.
3. Include the award image in my post - see above
4. Give 7 random facts about myself - see below
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award
6. When nominating, include a link to the blog
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated

So, 7 random facts. I'm kind of boring.
1) My family makes fun of me because I think Gotye's song "Somebody That I Used to Know" is not grammatically correct - it should be "Somebody WHO I Used to Know" - and yes, I'm a nerd and looked it up and Somebody THAT is acceptable, but it still bugs me
2) I love planning trips to Disney World. My husband says even more than going. I've planned out a trip for my sister-in-law and extended family, and each day is about a typed page. I'm even planning a trip for October 2013, and Lisa is not cooperating very well! Something about still having time to make decisions...
3) I'm a latecomer to The Big Bang Theory. My teen-agers hooked me when they showed me a clip of Sheldon playing "Bazinga!" in the ball pit, and sometimes I watch the reruns if the evening news is too depressing.
4) I try to limit myself to one Diet Coke per day. Ideally, it's a 12 oz can, but sometimes it's a large Sonic. It was a bad day when I had a large Diet Coke at 6:45 a.m. That was a morning when we were trying to get my son's driver's license approved.
5) I cannot sleep with a blinking light on anywhere. Chargers are not in the bedroom, and heaven forbid if the clock or TV light starts blinking!
6) I love word games. Scramble with Friends is my favorite, Words with Friends is next, and Hanging with Friends is one I play just to keep friend connections. I think SLPs have an advantage with consonant blends.
7) Snoring yet? I lock the car doors even when the car is in the garage. It drives my husband crazy, but it's just a habit. I don't know where it came from.

Time to wake up! Here are the 15 blogs, and I'm going to follow Lisa's example and combine them.
1. Life in Room 406 - I love the chevrons!
2. 3rd Grade Troops - lots of teaching experience
3. Hoot for First Grade - looks cute
4. The First Grade Derby - another one I want to spend some more time exploring
5. Simpson's Superstars - because Simpson is my maiden name, and although I'm sure we're not related, it's a sign of a great blog
6. A Ray of Kindergarten Sunshine - new blog that looks good
7. Inside the Classroom - looks like a net focus on BOOKS!
8. Once Upon a Third Grade Class - will be interesting to read about looping
9. Spotted in First Grade - looks like detailed blog posts
10. Mrs. Kelly's Klass - a new blog
11. Leaping into First Grade - because elementary is my spot
12. The Friz in First Grade - a fellow Texan
13. Orange Triangle - looks like technology information, and I need that

Because I'm an SLP, the next two blog are, too.
14. Carrie's Speech Corner - great ideas
15. Speech Chic - another good resource

Whew! That's a LOT of great ideas to check out!

your photo name


  1. you are so sweet :) Thanks for the awards & the follow! I am also your newest home-state follower :)

    The First Grade Derby

  2. Thanks so much! I'm excited about looping and starting a new grade level. I'm you newest follower. And again, thanks so much!


    Once Upon a Third Grade Class

  3. Thank you so much for the awards! I didn't realize until I came to finalize everything tonight that you actually did both for me. I'm honored! I'll be working on the 2nd award tomorrow. I'm looking forward to following you and getting to know you!



    1. You're welcome, and I'm looking forward to reading your blog!


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