Thursday Therapy: April Showers

Yep, it's Thursday Therapy on Friday. And even Friday night. But I guess there's no use feeling blue, so let's put the pedal to the metal!

I always do a Rain Week. I just don't know when it will be until the weather forecast comes up. This week looked like the best bet, but we only got a few sprinkles. At least it was cloudy most days, and we didn't get the severe weather with hail like last Friday.

With the younger Functional Academics, I used two books - My Spring Robin and The Rain Stomper. My Spring Robin is great for prepositions, spring vocabulary, and questions. The Rain Stomper is perfect for working on emotions and fun sound-effect words, as well as the saying, "Don't let it rain on your parade".

One activity we did combined several rain/cloud ideas. We glued a cloud (half a paper plate) to the sky (blue paper) then added raindrops with white chalk and a downpour with blue crepe paper. We worked on sequencing, under/on top, following directions, and requesting needed items.
We also made our own rain!

My wonderful licensed assistant used the book It Looked Like Spilt Milk then had the students make finger clouds. Just mix 1 part glue to 3 parts shaving cream and allow time to dry!
She also used Figuratively Speeching's Spring Idioms, and my CF used Mia McDaniel's Spring Fun Pack. How was your week?

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