Christmas in The Therapy Room

After a sloooow October and short November, December is flying by! Here are a few activities from my speech/language room. And check out Old School Speech for more ideas!
 Santa Says by All Y'all Need
I love focusing on traditions. Santa Says is a game perfect for reinforcing Christmas Around the World. The game is similar to Simon Says and includes a gift giver and tradition for different countries. Here is a group acting out "Papa Noel says - Let's go to Mexico and swing at a piñata". These kids are older elementary, and they got into acting out the traditions. So fun!
 Reindeer Fact and Opinion by All Y'all Need
My sister Amy made these wonderful activities. Reindeer Fact and Opinion is super for language and artic goals - have students practice sounds while reading the cards. And Target even had a cute reindeer bag that the students got to draw their cards from!

Antlers and Santas targets antonyms and synonyms. My students are obsessed with sticky-tac, so I used it to my advantage. I hung one set around the room, then the students got to hang up the corresponding picture with sticky-tac. Oh my goodness, there was so much joy! Antlers and Santas even comes with a recording sheet - perfect for circling artic words or working on putting words in sentences.
Also from Target - this awesome felt taco packet. I have several Treats games where students roll a color die to get parts, like the gingerbread man game above. Unfortunately, the company went out of business. My plan is to treat the taco game like a Treats game. I have blank dies from the teacher store. Then, each side will get a small sticker. It works like an open-ended game. After practicing a target, the student rolls the die. Red=choice of tomato or pepper; black=the huge mound of beans; brown=choice of the chintzy beef or chicken; green=choice of jalepenos or lettuce; and yellow=cheese. That will leave me with an extra side on the die that will probably stay white, and the the students get to choose a color. I'm thinking this will be great around Cinco de Mayo.

Just 4 more days! Merry Christmas!

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