#2gether We Are Better: Classroom Improvements

We are linking up with the amazing ladies of Lucky Little Learners and Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd for the monthly #2gether We Are Better linky party! Angie and Ashley are absolutely amazing and I can’t begin to tell you how many ideas we beg, borrow and steal from them. This month, the linky topic is classroom improvements. For me, summer is a time to find all of these marvelous ideas and figure out how to cultivate them into my classroom. Last summer, my focus was on improving classroom data. I transformed my data with Rachelle’s amazing Guided Reading tracker and I kept individual data folders for each child. This summer, I am focusing on parent communication. As most of you know, I am moving to a new town, grade and school. I recently taught in a small town where I worked with most of  my kid’s parents and ran into the rest on a weekly basis.  This year will really be a “trial and error” year for me.

What I’d like to implement:
* Classroom Instagram account

* Use Remind more and take advantage of chat.

Calling “Parent Communication Gurus!” How do you connect with your parents?

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