Bright Chalkboard Speech/Language Bulletin Board

Congrats to Lena!

Here is All Y'all Need's newest room decor just for SLPS, Chalkboard and Bright Bulletin Board Set. Let's take a look, starting with the preview:
 The cover page:
And what you get:
1 of 3 signs - an outside welcome (shown) and a Where I Am page to let everyone know where you are and a Class Welcome sign (not shown).
Class Rules and 4 Behavior Charts. Behavior Charts come in color and black-and-white. Only one shown:

A Main Bulletin Board Header - 2 pages designed to be attached together - and 3 1-page accents (1 shown):

A Hall of Fame Header to celebrate successes and 2 portrait pages to hang pictures and let students autograph their successes (1 shown):

Brag/happy notes - 3 pages - send home to celebrate achievements or hang on the Hall of Fame Bulletin Board (1 page shown):
2 pages of labels in color and B&W (only B&W shown). These can be used either horizontally or vertically:
Thanks for taking a look. The Chalkboard and Bright Bulletin Board Set is at All Y'all Need. $4 for 20+ pages! We're also running a giveaway until July 10.

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