Surf Speech/Language Bulletin Boards and Giveaway!

Congrats to Anne T!

We've done Pirates, Wild West and Rock Star room decor sets just for SLPs. It's time to hit the beach and go catch some waves with our Surf Set!

Here's a preview:

 What you get:
 1 of 3 signs - this one is the outside welcome. Set also includes a printable to let everyone know where you are and a classroom welcome sign.
 1 of 2 behavior charts. Squares are sized to hold small stickers. The other behavior chart has a girl. Set also includes class rules (not shown).
Two printables that can be joined for a main header on a bulletin board:

 Three 1-page accents for the bulletin board (1 shown):
Surf Set also includes a header for the Hall of Fame to celebrate successes and two portrait pages to post pictures and autographs (not shown). Brag notes can be used to send home news or to hang on the bulletin board for achievements:

Thanks for taking a look. The Surf Set is $4 for 20+ pages at All Y'all Need. We also have a giveaway going on through July 10.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

your photo name

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