Monster Munch Mania - An Open-Ended Halloween Game!

It's progress report week. I really need a never-ending supply of Route 44 Diet Cokes from Sonic. (Hey, those are allowed at school!) Instead, a quick game helped me engage students and finalize some data.

 Introducing Monster Munch Mania - An Open-Ended Game for SLPs by All Y'all Need!
 Monster Munch Mania by All Y'all Need
Monster Munch Mania is easy prep - print the two game board pages, glue inside a manila folder, and laminate. Print out the B&W drawing/homework page and make copies.

It's no frills - grab some game markers and dice that I know you have on hand, plus some card decks.

It's engaging - students start anywhere, roll around the board, and try to get parts to complete two monsters. If they aren't drawing, they can write vocabulary or artic words in the candy corn.

And - you decide the time limit! You know how one student always gets the lucky rolls and ends up winning with time left in the session? There's no Start or End to this game! Make it last as long as you need! None of my groups finished two complete monsters in 30-minute sessions. I told them they could finish it home - the better to take it out and practice, right? I hope so!
 Monster Munch Mania by All Y'all Need
The student on the left is drawing a monster, and the student on the right is about to roll the die. That's my favorite part. I needed a way to keep my students focused on their goals and not on who was on which space, who was winning, etc.
 Monster Munch Mania by All Y'all Need
And here's the homework page! While I'm taking data, the students are writing the words - and making their own homework! I just check the box at the top. This saves so much time! The students have ownership in their home practice, too.

Monster Munch Mania - An Open-Ended Game for SLPs is a Dollar Deal - for now. Thanks for taking a look!

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