May 2013 SLP Link Up

The March link up went pretty well. The April link up? Not so much. I guess everyone has been busy. So in an effort to make linking up a monthly happening, I'm presenting the May link up!
See the acronym down the side? BHSM? I'm so original...

To participate, just follow the directions from this post to share the image.

Here are the rules:
1) You are free to mention your own products, but if you do that, please put in items from someone else. The purpose is networking.
2) Give credit where credit is due - link to original ideas, blog posts, TpT/TN stores, Pinterest, etc.
3) After submitting your blog, visit four more blogs and make comments.

Here is mine:
Buying: Flowers for Mom isn't just what it sounds like, it's a great unit on TpT here! I just bought it during the TpT sale! If you need more ideas for Mom's Day, check out our Pinterest board.

Hearting: I am loving Origami Owl! One of my friends recently became a seller, and I am looking forward to seeing my first charm! To see what I bought, go here. Well, I didn't buy everything, but I'll post pics when it comes in!

Sharing: Since BHSM is designed to promote awareness of communication disorders and since I have 80 students (direct, consult and RtI), I think my school is pretty aware of disorders. Even though I'm not the best example, I plan to share voice tips with teachers from Twin Sisters Speech & Language Therapy.

Making: The diag (similar to an LSSP) I work with is retiring. For her party, I'm making one of my grandmother's recipes, an old Betty Crocker one for white cake. This recipe is similar. Brings back a lot of memories.

I would like to make the link up a monthly one. If you're interested in letting me know when I start one, email me at, and I will send you an email to let you know when it's up.

Link away!

your photo name


  1. Thanks for the May link up! I'm really intrigued by this Origami Owl. It looks really cute!

    1. Thanks for linking up! Origami Owl is my new addiction-check it out!

  2. Thanks for the link up! I don't think I saw the April one. I just recently heard of Origami Owl, and will hopefully be placing an order soon.

    1. Thanks for joining! I hope you share your purchase - I love looking at everyone's lockets!

  3. Flowers for Mom looks so cute! I am adding that to my TPT wish list to purchase for next year. Thanks for starting this linky Laura.

  4. Origami Owl looks pretty cool! I had never heard of it! Thanks for hosting another fun link-up!

    1. Carrie, thanks for linking up! Looking forward to your new products!

  5. Thanks for hosting the link-up. I am excited to participate in my first one. I love the Origami Owl sign language "I love you." charm.

    1. Melanie, thanks for linking up and welcome to the blogging world! I tried to leave a comment on your post, but I got a message about javascript. What do I need to do?

    2. I was wondering why I haven't got any comments. I will see what is up. I am new to this blogging adventure.

  6. Please try to comment again, I think I fixed the problem.

  7. Thank you for notifying me that you were doing another link up! I'm sorry to have missed the April one! I've never heard of Origami Owl, so I'll have to check that out!


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