Friday Faves from All Y'all Need: May 31

From Amy:
#1:  Ok, technically this was last week.   But I am still enjoying my Paul McCartney!   Sir Paul finally made it to Austin.   Yep, the first visit required two nights of concerts.   I was lucky enough to go the second night.   Fantastic evening of maybe-I'm-amazed music.   No maybe about it, folks....I was amazed.

#2:   I do so love my People Magazine.   Of course, this copy featuring Hey Girl's one-and-only Ryan Gosling was a winner!   But I like reading the celebrity scoop, the royal baby buzz, the book & movie reviews, etc.

From Laura: 
#1: End-of-year surveys. I'm working with a wonderful teacher who has gotten a second bachelor's degree in speech therapy. In Texas, she can become a licensed assistant after 25 face-to-face supervised hours. Due to life and the state board, she just recently got approved, so we are booking it to finish the hours. I thought it would be good to get students' perspectives on speech therapy, so she's been conducting surveys. 

So far, she has learned that she will be the best speech therapist in the world if she gives out candy, does speech on the playground, and doesn't have rules. Yeah....

This fourth-grader wrote: replace room with a big room that has a hot tub.
This fourth-grader comes to speech and Tuesday/Thursday and would like to come other days. Awwww... Of course, he also wants free will.

 This one is from a sweet fifth-grader. I will miss her.
Although there were silly end-of-year answers, I like the idea of the survey. I think I'll have any future interns complete one.

#2: Sheet protectors. Guess what works when you're sick of laminating? Plastic! Thanks to Lisa's idea, I can print out Ask Away sheets and the students can go to town with dry-erase markers. When you can't cut one more thing, this is a good option. And this summer game is perfect for ending the year.
From Lisa:
#1: The Great Gatsby. I went with some teacher friends to go see The Great Gatsby. I loved it! The costumes and sets were AHMAZING! The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite books and I'm usually disappointed by the movies. However, I loved this interpretation of the book, and the actors/actresses were spot on! I couldn't think of a better cast!

#2: Crafty, Crafty, Crafty. This weekend, my house turned into Crafts R Us. I made a summer deco mesh wreath for a family friend, finished my kiddos' memory books, an made a sport-themed diaper cake This was my first attempt at making a diaper cake. It was a little frustrating when the diapers would fall like dominos before I could secure them. However, I'm very happy with how it turned out, and my sweet friend loved it!

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