Thursday Therapy: Week #2 and a Linky Party!

This week was the first with students. I have two schools this year, one that I've been at for 13 years and one that is brand new. It's been challenging getting them both done, so I'm going to show you the established one. And be sure to get more ideas at The Dabbling Speechie's Linky!
This room hasn't changed much since last year. The school theme is On the Right Track, and we got to come up with our own interpretation. My sister suggested using Ashley Hughes's cute Derby Kids. Here's the view upon entering:
A Circle of Winners spot for students who graduate and my lovely library, thanks mostly to my sister. And my licensed assistant found darling crayon holders at Target.
Another spot for happy notes:

Emergency instructions and the SLP letters my cousin made:
The front of the cabinet with TEKS and my most favoritest newish organizer, a shoe holder with Super Duper decks on binder rings:
On the Right Track behavior charts:
 More supplies and filing cabinets:
 The schedule and graphic organizers:
 A Let's Talk sign:
 My desk, which I almost didn't post. It's embarrassing to have this many piles at the beginning of school! I'm hoping some of you can relate.
A glimpse into what my licensed assistant did this week - first day photos, start of SLP memory books, and prepping for a back-to-school theme for next week.
Next week, I'll be using the book Miss Nelson Is Missing! by Harry G. Allard, Write and Say the Room: Back to School, and an Ask Away Back to School Activity. What are your plans?

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