Crafts I Wanna Make: State Pride Wall Art

The Pins: Inspired by a glue-gunned globe,  a subtle spray-painted outline and a furniture tack border.

The Process: Gather supplies: a canvas, state map, either puffy paint or hot glue, Mod Podge, spray paint and furniture tacks
Cut out the map, Mod Podge the back, and adhere to canvas. Rand McNally may have a long-standing reputation in the map business, but I feel compelled to point out the gap where the Panhandle ends. I guess Rand McNally didn't think anyone would actually puzzle their map together.

According to The Sassy Pepper, let dry and Mod Podge the top, paying close attention to the edges. Smooth out to avoid big bubbles. I couldn't get out all of the bumps. But this is a custom project. Irregularities add to the charm.

If I were to do this project again, I would go ahead and Mod Podge paper to the entire canvas. Or, cutting out the shape of Texas would work. But that's hard.

During the drying process, R decided to make breakfast balls with Bisquick, sausage and cheese. Then, we watched Once Upon a Time. That was about the right time for the Mod Podge to dry.

The Sassy Pepper recommends placing the canvas upside down on wax paper and filling in the back to further smooth out bubbles. My stand-by cookbooks worked perfectly.

I wouldn't recommend this method. I had several tears. Sorry, Far West Texas and New Mexico! Just appreciate the bubbles and irregularities.

Use puffy paint to highlight important towns and roads. I chose our hometowns, college towns, parents' towns, and summer vacation spot. Of course, hot glue is an option. But not for me. Watch some more Once Upon a Time and let the puffy paint dry.

Spray paint the whole thing. My idea was to use my lighter Tim Holtz Distress Inks to highlight the towns and roads. The ink didn't show up at all. I traced the puffy paint with cream paint. That was too much of a contrast. I ended up using Walnut Stain to go over the paint. 

Finish by lightly hammering furniture tacks around the border.

The Good: It's a nice addition to an empty wall.

The Bad: I should have papered the whole canvas. I tried just highlighting the towns, but the canvas looked like it had sprouted a lot of boobs. Hence, the roads that J referred to as a "scratch" in Texas. 

Summary: Good idea, I just need to work on the implementation.

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