Quick Weekday Meals: Chicken Parmesan

The Pin: This recipe for Chicken Parmesan was floating around Pinterest in the fall. Descriptions included:

The BEST pin ever!
I am sooo going to make this tonight!
I made it in November 2011. Does it live up to the descriptions? Let's find out.

The Good: The original post describing the recipe describes Chef John's inspiration for the dish. The ingredients are listed, so I was able to check this pin before I left school  so I could stop by Wal-Mart to get what I needed. That's a plus.

The Bad: The recipe is in video format. A 3-minute video. I hate watching videos. It takes me half the time to read the recipe. I watched the video at school, after contract time of course, to see if there was anything I should know. Then, I had to watch it again at home because I had forgotten it by the time I faced the hordes at Wal-Mart. I definitely would have preferred written directions.

Summary: As far as the recipe itself, it is super easy to put together. The taste is good. The oven time is perfect for getting the chicken beautifully cooked all the way through without drying it out. BUT, the croutons didn't absorb the sauce like I thought they would, and the topping easily separated from the chicken, requiring some effort to spear a piece of chicken with the topping. And isn't the whole taste the whole point of chicken parmesan?

All four of us liked the taste. I would probably make it again, but I would pound the chicken breasts and crush the croutons.

I am going to disagree with this recipe being the BEST pin ever, agree that it is easy to make on a weeknight, and agree on the taste.

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